Hi! This is Amy, with Go Places English and today I want to talk about the pronunciation of WOMAN & WOMEN in American English.

WOMEN is the irregular plural form of the noun, WOMAN.

The O in these words is pronounced very differently and can sometimes confuse students. So I want to spend some time practicing with you.

In the singular form, WOMAN, the O is a short U sound. U, U.

The A sounds like UN. UN.


Say it a few times with me for practice.






Good. Now let’s focus on the plural form, WOMEN.

Both vowels in this word, the O and the E, are pronounced as a short I sound. I, I.

It’s the same short U sound in WITH or IN. WOMEN.

Repeat the word WOMEN with me a few times.






Good. Now let’s practice WOMAN and WOMEN in some sentences.

Both of the women are smart.

She was the first woman in space.

All we know is that the woman was driving a red sports car.

Many women like to travel.

Nowadays, some women are choosing not to have children.

I know a woman who speaks five languages fluently.

How many women are in the class?

Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Many women compete in the Olympics.

Is there a woman named Jessica Jones in your department?

Some women were talking about what to do about it in the meeting yesterday.

She is an extraordinary woman and can handle the crisis.

How would you start a conversation with an attractive woman you saw at the bookstore?

Good work! Now take out your notebook and a pen and get ready for a pop quiz! Listen to the following sentences and write down whether you hear me say WOMAN or WOMEN.


1. How many women prefer cats to dogs?

2. That woman is very articulate.

3. Where will the women meet next week?

4. That woman was my neighbor many years ago.

5. The woman’s story was made into a movie.

6. That group of women are known for their artistic talent.

Check your answers in the transcript, found in the description of this video. Let me know how many you got right in the comments.

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Go Places English

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