Where will English take you?

Video | NEAR & NEXT


This is Amy, with Go Places English and today I want to talk about NEAR and NEXT in American English.

I hear a lot of students making a simple mistake with these two words, so I want to spend some time today looking at their differences.

Let’s start with the word NEAR. Near means to be close, within a short distance. For example: The binoculars are near the boots.

Near can be used when something is in front of, behind, above, below, or next to something else. Position of the object doesn’t matter. The binoculars are near the boots.

Notice the pattern is subject + NEAR + object.

On the other hand, when we use NEXT, it is always followed by the preposition TO. For example, The ball is NEXT TO the telephone.

Next to is used to describe a short distance between two objects, and it also means the position of those things is side by side.

Notice the pattern is subject + NEXT TO + object. The ball is NEXT TO the telephone.

NEXT TO is often linked and reduced to sound like NEXTA. It’s next to my house. NEXTA, Next to my house.

Let’s practice some example sentences.

The shoes are near the door.

The shoes are next to the door.

The books are near the pens.

The books are next to the pens.

The hotel is near the beach.

The hotel is next to the beach.

The rabbit is near the tree.

The rabbit in next to the tree.

Our house is near the park.

Our house is next to the park.

Your car is near mine.

Your car is next to mine.

The cat is near my backpack.

The cat is next to my backpack.

Good job!

Trying practicing by writing some sentences with NEXT TO and NEAR in the comments!

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Go Places English.

Where will English take you?



  1. anarul

    thanks for lesson

  2. Aksasse Hamid

    Thank you for this lesson . really great

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