
This is Amy with Go Places English and today I want to talk about the pronunciation of the words SUGAR and SURE in American English.

These two words can be deceiving, because the letters SU in these words are pronounced SH. Many students mispronounce these words. So I want to spend some time practicing with you today. Don’t worry, there are only a few words like this, and SUGAR and SURE are the most common. So you really only need to remember two.

The /sh/ sound is made by putting the teeth together and puckering your lips like you would for a kiss. The middle of the tongue comes up only slightly and barely touches the corners of the top teeth without touching the roof of the mouth.

In the case of the word SUGAR, we emphasize the first syllable. Practice with me. SUgar, SUgar, SUgar, SUgar, SUgar, SUgar.

Let’s practice the word SUGAR in some sentences. Repeat after me.

Do you take cream or sugar in your coffee?

Sugar is believed to cause tooth decay.

Until recently, sugarcane was grown in Hawaii.

Nice work. Now let’s talk about the word SURE.

The word SURE is one syllable. Practice with me. Sure, Sure, Sure, Sure, Sure, Sure

Let’s practice the word SURE in some sentences. Repeat after me.

Are you sure you want to go?

She sure is a good student.

I’m not sure if this is right.

Good job.

You can instantly improve your English and sound more like a native speaker by practicing and saying Sugar & Sure correctly.

When you master American English pronunciation, you can speak with confidence knowing that your pronunciation is accurate and listeners will understand you.

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