Where will English take you?


Write a sentence using the word travesty in the comments. Practicing new words in sentences will help you remember them, and it allows me to see if your usage and understanding of the word is correct. If you are not sure, guess! Guessing about how to use new vocabulary also helps make it stick. I will provide correction and feedback for your sentence.

It’s also important to practice the pronunciation of a new word. I’ve created a pronunciation loop so you can listen and repeat.

travesty /ˈtræv ə sti/


  1. a literary or artistic burlesque of a serious work or subject, characterized by grotesque or ludicrous incongruity of style, treatment, or subject matter. 
  2. any grotesque or artistic composition so inferior in quality as to be merely a grotesque imitation of its model.
  3. any grotesque or debased likeness or imitation: a travesty of justice. 

verb (used with object)

  1. to make a travesty on; turn (a serious work or subject) to ridicule by burlesquing.
  2. to imitate grotesquely or absurdly.
    to make a travesty on; turn (a serious work orsubject) to ridicule by burlesquing.
  3. to imitate grotesquely or absurdly.

Origin of affinity

French, Italian 1655-1665

Source: Dictionary.com



  1. Nia Khairina

    Bart Baker’s work is known for his travesty toward Taylor Swift’s song.

  2. Katrin

    The last presidental elections were a travesty of democracy.

  3. Amy Estrada

    Good Nia.

  4. Amy Estrada

    Good Katrin. I assume you are referring to more than one election here?

  5. azim

    his performance was the travesty of show.

  6. Amy Estrada

    Good Azim! Please start your sentences with a capital letter.

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