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Behind Every Great Man There Is A Great Woman

Behind every great man there is a great woman.

Without googling or checking reference resources, what do you think this proverb means?

By guessing you are priming your brain for learning, which will help you remember the meaning more easily. It doesn’t matter if your guess is wrong, the key is to exercise your brain by guessing.

Write your guess in the comments below. After you post your guess, go ahead and look it up.

That’s right, I want you to find the answer. Because remember, my job as your teacher is to guide you to the answer. If I just gave you the answer without asking you to do the work, I’d be robbing you of your learning opportunity. No pain, no gain!



  1. Hellem Bodaya

    This proverb means that behind every great man, there is a woman that helps him considerably without ostentation.

  2. Amy Estrada

    Good Hellem, however in this case we wouldn’t use the word ostentation. It doesn’t make sense here.

  3. arezou

    I think it means a man never succeed without the help of a successful woman

  4. Amy Estrada

    Yes, very good Arezou.

  5. Nia

    I think this proverb means that men’s success often depends on hard work and support of their wives or their mothers

  6. Amy Estrada

    Good job Nia.

  7. Katrin

    If a couple supports each other they can achieve more than they could achieve alone.

  8. Amy Estrada

    I like your interpretation, Katrin. It usually focuses solely on the man, but I think it goes both ways as you suggest.

  9. Katrin

    Thanks Amy! I have got another question: the “can” and “could” work here, right? I was not sure, that’s why I am asking …

  10. Amy Estrada

    Good question Katrin. Your sentence is perfect and sounds very natural. In your example, can & could are interchangeable.

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