Where will English take you?


Write a sentence using the word ostentatious in the comments. Practicing new words in sentences will help you remember them, and it allows me to see if your usage and understanding of the word is correct. If you are not sure, guess! Guessing about how to use new vocabulary also helps make it stick. I will provide correction and feedback for your sentence.

It’s also important to practice the pronunciation of a new word. I’ve created a pronunciation loop so you can listen and repeat.

ostentatious /ˌɒs tɛnˈteɪ ʃəs, -tən-/


  1. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser. 
  2. (of actions, manner, qualities exhibited, etc.) intended to attract notice: Lady Bountiful’s ostentatious charity. 

Origin of ostentatious


Related forms: ostentatiously, adverb; ostentatiousness, noun


  1. grandiose.

Source: Dictionary.com



  1. Katrin

    He is such an ostentatious person, always showing off, I hate him …

  2. Amy Estrada

    Great job Katrin!

  3. azim

    I am hate ostentatious person.

  4. Amy Estrada

    Good Azim, just two corrections: I hate ostentatious people.

  5. Geraldine

    She often use an ostentatious jewelry to look like a celebrity.

  6. Amy Estrada

    Good Geraldine.
    Correction: She often uses ostentatious jewelry to look like a celebrity.

  7. Nia

    In order to circumvent being robbery targets, we should not wear ostentatious jewelry

  8. Amy Estrada

    Great Nia!

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